Wednesday 17 June 2015

Good Things Manuka Honey Radiance Face Mask

I've been finding it hard to get my hands on a face mask that suits my skin, and my budget! But I'm always up for trying something new, especially a brand I've never tried before. So while in TK Maxx a few weeks ago, I purchased this mask for under €6. I thought 'If this works, it's a bargain!'.

I've never actually come across this brand before, although I'm now aware it's available in Boots so I'm not sure how I missed it! As my skin can be quite sensitive, I was drawn to the fact that this product is free from parabens, mineral oil and sodium laureth sulphate. It is also suitable for vegetarians. It claims to leave you with a 'fresh, rejuvenated and radiant complexion'. They certainly all sound like good things! (Terrible pun intended!)

I applied this before bed and left in on for about 15 minutes (looking good right?!). The first thing I noticed was the scent. I actually found it slightly unpleasant to begin with (I really dislike the smell of honey), but after a few minutes I hardly noticed it. It dried quickly as it is a clay mask, and took a little while to scrub off. My skin did look noticeably fresh and cleaner. It also felt very soft to touch. Unlike other face masks I've used I didn't have a bad breakout after this, only one or two spots I think it brought to the surface.
I've been using this about once a week as part of my pampering regime, and I imagine I'll repurchase when I've used the tube up. I'm also very keen to try some more products from the Good Things range now! Have you used any of their products? What are your favourites?

Til next time,

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Boots 'All Bright' Range

Annnnnd....... we're back! So let's get straight into it...

I've never had the easiest skin in the world to deal with. It's combination with a lot of redness. My usual tactic was to try cover it the best I could with makeup. But then I realised if I took better care of it, I may not need to hide it so much! And so began the trying of every affordable product I could get my hands on. After a couple of almost hits, and some definite misses, I came across the Boots Botanics range. Since then, a variety of their products have become staples in my skin care routine. They use 'active plant extracts approved by Royal Botantic Gardens, Kew, to bring you beautiful skincare that's proven to work'. Some fancy talk there... but I'm inclined to agree!

Firstly, I shall chat about the beautiful day and night cream from the All Bright range. I had the intention of buying different creams the day I picked these up, but I'm glad they caught my eye! The scent was the first thing I noticed which is beautiful. They are heavily scented, but not chemically at all. I've been using them both for a couple of months and definitely think I'll be repurchasing. They're quite similar, with the night cream being that bit heavier. My skin always feels calm and soft after using them, along with being a little brighter too.  The day and night cream are both on offer on the Boots website for €6.99 each for 50ml.

And then.... we have THE product of the moment, Botanics Radiance Balm. There have been lots of reviews about this the last while, comparing it to MACs Strobe Cream. I'm not going to weigh in on that, because honestly I don't know! But what I do know is this works as a gorgeous primer giving a very subtle yet illuminated canvas to work with. It's not something I use everyday, but if my skin is looking particularly dull or I'm off on a night out, I'll pop this on over my day cream. This is also on offer on their site for €7.99 for 50ml right now.

This range is very extensive and I'm excited to try more products. If you'd like any reviews on the other Botanics products I've used previously, just leave a comment below :)