Sunday 18 October 2015

Dull, lifeless hair? Meet Aussome Volume Shampoo

For the last few months my hair has been in pretty bad condition. My hair has never been thick, but it's been seriously limp and lifeless. It's also been susceptible to breakage. So I've been searching for products to bring it back to life. Aussie is a brand I have liked over the years but stopped using recently. Not so much due to bad products but more so due to rubbish packaging.

I've always liked '3 Minute Miracle Reconstructor' for when my hair needs a bit of TLC. However the last bottle I bought leaked all over my shower after just one use. For those who know the bottle, it sits upside down unlike others. Needless to say my heart broke a little when I realised this bottle was faulty and had leaked everywhere :( . My other issue was with their heat defence spray 'Take The Heat'. Unfortunately after a few uses the nozzle on the bottle stopped working and I had to transfer the remaining liquid to a new bottle. And so I had given up.... until now!

I picked up the Aussome Volume Shampoo and Conditioner in my local Janet Dillon pharmacy as they were on offer. I've been using them both for a couple of weeks now. The claim is that the unique formula with extract of Australian hops gives your hair body from roots to tip.

I have to say I'm massively impressed. Firstly the scent of them is beautiful! It's like a wave of bubblegum washing over you (that classic Aussie smell), without being too overwhelming. Also even after drying, your hair still smells just as fresh and lasts for hours. This is a big plus for me as I haven't found this with many products. Although my hair didn't feel too nice after the being washed, once it was dry I was amazed. My hair felt so soft and lightweight. It also gave my hair a fair amount of body and took away most of the frizz. I honestly can't remember the last time a shampoo/conditioner made my hair feel so healthy.

I imagine I'll get a lot of use out of these bottles as a little goes a long way. Even with a small amount of shampoo you get an amazing lather. As I only paid €4 for each, to me this is fantastic value for money. I can't really fault these, so as long as my hair continues to feel this healthy and full, it will definitely be part of my haircare routine! I'd advise anyone who's hair has lost it's umph to give this a shot! Aussie are available in all leading supermarkets and pharmacies.

Til next time,

Thursday 8 October 2015

My top 6 (affordable) eye brushes!

When it comes to makeup products, I think my biggest weakness has to be brushes. I want them all! They're the one thing I'll be keeping an eye out for at the Irish Beauty Show on Sunday. I don't think I'll ever have enough :)

It was so hard to whittle this post down to just 6 brushes. (It was meant to be 5 but they're all just too good!) These are the brushes I reach for most. I can do a full eye look with just these alone. So lets dive right in!

First up I chose a lovely little shader brush from Sigma brushes. This is the E55. It's perfect for applying your base shadow to your lid. The hairs are quiet dense, so I don't find as much fallout with product as I do with other similar brushes. I've also had this for a few years, and after many washes it's never lost it's shape or many hairs. To me it's a classic brush that should be in everyones kit!

Next we have the Patricia from Nima brush. I nabbed this at last years beauty show and it's been a staple ever since. I use this for crease colours. It fits in the crease of my eye perfectly, and it's hairs are so soft it makes blending that much easier. All you need is a very light touch to get this brush to do it's job. Another part I really like about this (and the other brushes in the range) is the handle. It's a pretty matte duck egg blue, and feels lovely in your hand! Nice colourful addition to any kit.

One of my absolute favourite brushes ever next, the E10 from Blank Canvas Cosmetics. I think I own 3 of these in case anything were to happen to one and I couldn't replace it! This is my go to brush for a strong eye look. I'll use this for blending under the eye, to give a lovely soft smoked out effect. It's one of the softest brushes I own. I also love that even after using a black shadow, this little beaut washes up like new again! Couldn't be without this brush to be honest :)

Gel liner is a must for me for night time makeup. And finding a good brush for this has been a struggle of mine. However my favourite so far has definitely been the Synthetic Detail Liner brush from Royal & Langnickel. It's from their Silk Pro range, yet is still so affordable. I own a few of these as liner brushes don't last forever, but I've had very little hair loss out of this considering how much it has been used! It looks a little splayed in the picture after being washed, but once you place it in your liner the hairs come back together. A brush line that definitely deserve more attention.

The second time for BCC on this blog, I'm talking about the 006 blending brush. So when you're eye look is completely done, this is the brush you'll run over the top to get that final soft edge we all love. I have a few different versions of these, but this is my favourite as its more flat topped rather than round topped. I feel this gives me a softer finish overall. I also like the size of it. Makes finishing your look much quicker if you're short of time! (Upon review I'm not entirely sure if this brush is still available to buy on the site, but they have various styles which are very similar indeed :) )

And finally...not technically an eye brush, I have this angled brush from AYU brushes. I've been obsessed with eyebrows for a long time, especially getting the shape of my own sorted. Most angled brushes are too soft, or it's impossible to get a fine tip at the end of your brow. However, this is the holy grail of them all! I don't think I could ever use a different one. The hairs are strong but not so much that they drag your brow. And it is still super thin, yet packed full of brush hairs. Again, everyone needs this brush in their lives!!

Wow I said brush a lot of times! Anyway...if you'd like to pick up any of these brushes for yourself, here's where you can do so :)

Till next time,

Thursday 24 September 2015

Seventeen Falsifeye HD!

No look in my eyes (pun intended) is complete without mascara. Even on those days were I'm not too bothered with a full face of makeup, I always like to put on a little foundation and mascara. It opens the most tired looking of eyes, and makes them pop just a bit.
However out of all makeup products it's the one that I just can't justify spending a huge amount of money on. It expires so quickly and honestly I feel like most brands are similar enough. I normally stick to the same 2 or 3, but I had read so many good reviews on Falsifeye HD I had to pick it up.

I really love the packaging on this. The black and pink is really pretty, and I feel it looks like a higher end brands design. This mascara comes with a plastic wand. In general I actually hate these brushes. I find they don't coat my lashes well and clump like crazy. But I was willing to give it a shot!

Off the bat I was impressed. I used 3 light coats on one eye to compare the difference of that and my natural lashes. Of all the mascaras I've ever used this was the only one to ever give my lashes some kind of lift. I've tried many mascaras that are supposed to lift and curl, but to no avail on my poker straight lashes. Until now!! My only issue with it was that if you get a little heavy handed it can clump quite easily, and it wasn't easy to brush the clumps out. So because of this fact I keep this strictly for 'night time' makeup, where I can go really heavy with it, and can absolutely get away with it. However for the simple reason that this actually gives my lashes a bit of 'body' as it were, it will definitely be a repurchase!
It wears really well, and it didn't notice a any transfer or fallout even after a full day of wearing it! 

Seventeen have really upped their game. They're now always a brand I check out when popping into Boots. I'll definitely be trying out more from their range soon. Falsifeye is available for €9.49 in store and online.
What's your favourite type of wand to use. Plastic comb? Or maybe a big bulky brush for extra volume?

Till next time,

Sunday 20 September 2015

Rimmel *new* Match Perfection foundation

Generally I struggle to find foundations that are pale enough for my skin tone, and also give reasonable coverage. I'm not just pale, I'm transparent. With redness in my cheeks and some discolouration around my mouth. A lovely combination!

In the last couple of years Rimmel have really upped their game in the foundations department. (Massive fan of their lippies too but that's for a different post!) And finally Ivory isn't the palest shade anymore, we now have Light Porcelain too. I've been using their original Match Perfection for over a year now. I wear it most days and honestly can find little fault with it. However now Rimmel have slightly improved an already pretty brilliant product.

The main claims of the new Match Perfection are a higher SPF of 20 (from 18), 24 hour moisture hydration and a pore blurring effect. I was a little worried the higher SPF would be an issue when it came to flash photography, but haven't noticed any problems yet. It is still the medium coverage foundation I know and love, which glides on to the skin with ease. Most days I can get away with this as a base alone, but on my dodgy skin days a bit of concealer is definitely needed on top. With regards to the pore blurring effect, I can't really back this one up. The pores on my cheeks are pretty big, so the only thing that marginally helps with that is a good primer. But it does give the rest of my skin a nice soft look when on. (Little look I did using Match Perfection with a small amount of Collection concealer on the cheeks).

I normally prep my skin with a primer (normally Rimmel or Gosh) as I feel it makes application easier. This wears well with or without a primer. Usually with a primer I can go about 5 or 6 hours before I have to touch up (which is very good for my skin).

If I'm totally honest I don't see a huge change from the old formula. Slightly nicer coverage, and lasts a little longer on the skin. Regardless, it's still one of my favourites, worn most days, and will continue to be a staple in my makeup stash for the foreseeable future! Available for €9.99 in Boots.

Friday 4 September 2015

Pippa For Blank Canvas Cosmetics

I've been a fan of Blank Canvas Cosmetics since I first started building my brush collection. I love to support an Irish brand when I can, and when the products are affordable and great quality it's a massive bonus. Most of my brush kit is BCC, but when they branch into the makeup area, I love to try out what they have to offer.
I have too many eye shadows and loose pigments... some may say. To me, I can never have enough! I was super excited when this arrived in the post. Before I even tested the colours I felt it would fit nicely in alongside my other palettes. The packaging is very pretty, and reminiscent of a high end brand.

The first thing I noticed upon taking a look inside was the cute names on each shadow such as 'Dodo' and 'Pipsy'. They all have a special meaning to Pippa herself, which I thought was a nice touch. 
Matte shadows can be very hit and miss, but I was really pleasantly surprised by these! The formula is very buttery and pigmented. You need very little shadow, barely swiping the brush in the palette is more than enough. They are also quite blendable, and of course it's easy to do a range of subtle or more dramatic looks with these neutral tones.

Alongside the 6 shadows, there are 3 powders including a highlight, blush and contour/bronzer. I feel these are probably suited more for lighter skin tones, which works perfectly for me! I found the highlight was particularly nice on the skin without looking too glittery. I did a quick look using the palette for a wedding, and am happy to report it was a good 10 hours before I had to top up my eye makeup again (which is quite good for my lids, even with a primer!).

At €34.99 it is definitely priced as a higher end palette, but I believe the quality is up there with some of the best. If you're looking for a handy, all in one, neutral palette, this might just be the one for you! Available from and

Till next time,


Wednesday 17 June 2015

Good Things Manuka Honey Radiance Face Mask

I've been finding it hard to get my hands on a face mask that suits my skin, and my budget! But I'm always up for trying something new, especially a brand I've never tried before. So while in TK Maxx a few weeks ago, I purchased this mask for under €6. I thought 'If this works, it's a bargain!'.

I've never actually come across this brand before, although I'm now aware it's available in Boots so I'm not sure how I missed it! As my skin can be quite sensitive, I was drawn to the fact that this product is free from parabens, mineral oil and sodium laureth sulphate. It is also suitable for vegetarians. It claims to leave you with a 'fresh, rejuvenated and radiant complexion'. They certainly all sound like good things! (Terrible pun intended!)

I applied this before bed and left in on for about 15 minutes (looking good right?!). The first thing I noticed was the scent. I actually found it slightly unpleasant to begin with (I really dislike the smell of honey), but after a few minutes I hardly noticed it. It dried quickly as it is a clay mask, and took a little while to scrub off. My skin did look noticeably fresh and cleaner. It also felt very soft to touch. Unlike other face masks I've used I didn't have a bad breakout after this, only one or two spots I think it brought to the surface.
I've been using this about once a week as part of my pampering regime, and I imagine I'll repurchase when I've used the tube up. I'm also very keen to try some more products from the Good Things range now! Have you used any of their products? What are your favourites?

Til next time,

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Boots 'All Bright' Range

Annnnnd....... we're back! So let's get straight into it...

I've never had the easiest skin in the world to deal with. It's combination with a lot of redness. My usual tactic was to try cover it the best I could with makeup. But then I realised if I took better care of it, I may not need to hide it so much! And so began the trying of every affordable product I could get my hands on. After a couple of almost hits, and some definite misses, I came across the Boots Botanics range. Since then, a variety of their products have become staples in my skin care routine. They use 'active plant extracts approved by Royal Botantic Gardens, Kew, to bring you beautiful skincare that's proven to work'. Some fancy talk there... but I'm inclined to agree!

Firstly, I shall chat about the beautiful day and night cream from the All Bright range. I had the intention of buying different creams the day I picked these up, but I'm glad they caught my eye! The scent was the first thing I noticed which is beautiful. They are heavily scented, but not chemically at all. I've been using them both for a couple of months and definitely think I'll be repurchasing. They're quite similar, with the night cream being that bit heavier. My skin always feels calm and soft after using them, along with being a little brighter too.  The day and night cream are both on offer on the Boots website for €6.99 each for 50ml.

And then.... we have THE product of the moment, Botanics Radiance Balm. There have been lots of reviews about this the last while, comparing it to MACs Strobe Cream. I'm not going to weigh in on that, because honestly I don't know! But what I do know is this works as a gorgeous primer giving a very subtle yet illuminated canvas to work with. It's not something I use everyday, but if my skin is looking particularly dull or I'm off on a night out, I'll pop this on over my day cream. This is also on offer on their site for €7.99 for 50ml right now.

This range is very extensive and I'm excited to try more products. If you'd like any reviews on the other Botanics products I've used previously, just leave a comment below :)

Friday 6 March 2015

50 Shades of Grey

Thanks to the genius that is E. L. James we are all in a tizzy over Fifty Shades of Grey and more notably, Mr Grey! So in the spirit of all things sultry, sexy and oh so naughty here are my top makeup products... yep... you guessed it... in varying shades of grey! Afterall, 'we aim to please...'.

While I certainly wouldn't suggest going all out grey on your makeup look - ending up more Walking Dead than Anastasia Steele isn't the look we're going for! However, adding just a touch of grey tones to your look can add some real sophistication and best of all, grey is a neutral which means anyone can wear it. Just 'forget about the rules' and 'embrace your inner goddess'!

Now nobody does pearly sheen better than Ben Nye and pearly sheen in grey tones... yum! Ben Nye's Pearl Sheen Eye Accent's in Electric Eel, Nightclub and Silver Grey can be applied wet for intense colour and sheen or use a dry brush for a softer effect. Oh so blendable and you'll love the payoff. Apply all over the lid for a soft smokey effect thats soft and wearable, even during the day.

Fancy even more shimmer? Grab yourself Ben Nye's Fireworks Creme Color in Silver Satin and apply to your lids with a fingertip or a synthetic brush. A pretty and soft radiance will ensue, making your inner goddess soar... (not sore!). 

Top with Sugarpill's ChromaLust Loose Eyeshadow in Grand Tiara for a jewel-like dazzle. For extra sexiness use a dry brush and apply to your decolletage making you more than ready to 'chase the dawn' with Mr Grey :D 

Like your look more feline? See yourself as  a bit more Mrs Robinson? Get yourself some La Femme Cake Eyeliner in Charcoal and using a wet angled eyeliner brush, apply close to your lashes, adding a soft or dramatic feline flick at the outer corners (if your eye shape can take it). You'll be 'fifty shades of...' oh so sexy in no time!

Want an easier life? Get Stila's Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in Alloy, a handy on-the-go pen eyeliner making your DIY job (geddit?!) easy peasy, baby oil squeezy!

Daring enough to go for a dark lip? Occ Cosmetic Colour Pencil in Tarred followed by Occ Lip Tar in Tarred is sure to make your palm-twitching lover want to bite that lip! Only for the brave hearted!

Want something more subtle? Try Joe Blasco Lipgloss in Ghost, a pearlized grey coloured gloss, stunning, sheer and shiny which is sure to make any billionaire want to give you the world... and more, more, more...

There you have it, Fifty shades (almost!) of makeup, you're all set to go!

Remember, 'You are not just a pretty face...'

Laters, baby!


Friday 6 February 2015

Brush Crush! - The Sexiest Makeup Brush Sets!

Over the years I've accumulated a crazy amount of makeup brushes. High end, low end, brilliant and rubbish, you name it, I've got it!

Now when I purchase brushes I tend to look for not just quality and function but I also opt for brushes that look amazing too!

If you're in need of some inexpensive or super expensive makeup brushes or makeup brush sets here are a select few that have me drooling.

Sonia Kashuk All The Jazz 10 Piece Brush Set
To start, we have Sonia Kashuk All The Jazz 10 Piece Brush Set at just $34.99

On a trip to New York, oh so long ago, I bought a few Sonia Kashuk brushes and they are amazing considering how inexpensive they are. 

This signature range of professional quality brushes are dressed up with stylish black handles caged in gold ribbed details, and ivory bristles to add a sophisticated touch to your beauty routine. Talk about luxury at a stupidly low price!

Cozette Vitality 8 Piece Makeup Brush Set
Next we have Cozette Vitality 8 pcs Makeup Brush Set in Red at $166.00

Roque Cozzette is a force to be reckoned with to say the least! Not only a serious talent in the makeup industry but a real innovator when it comes to perfecting a makeup brush! 

This amazing set is comprised of 8 stylish makeup brushes that are essential in creating endless makeup looks; perfect for devotees of makeup and those learning to become a makeup artist.

Made of Luxury Faux Goat/squirrel custom blend these babies are as soft as a can be and are seriously luxurious! 

Nanshy Luxury 13 Piece Makeup Brush Set
Next up is Nanshy's Luxury 13 piece Makeup Brush Set at just 46.63

With beautiful curvy handles and no bristle shedding these really are a steal! Antibacterial Synthetic Bristles that are also 100% Vegan, Cruelty Free and Approved by What more could you ask for!
Hakuhodo 8 Piece Brush Set
And lastly, but certainly not least, we have Hakuhodo's 8 piece brush set at $499.00

I purchased a few Hakuhodo brushes for my pro kit many, many years ago at IMATS and boy these brushes are seriously luxurious and they last for years! 

This stunning 8 piece brush set selected from Hakuhodo's S100 Vermillion Brush Range (the flagship range of Hakuhodo) is nothing short of sublime! You really can feel the quality in these and if you are a little flush with cash, I'd be suggesting getting these bad boys for yourself or your pro kit!

Here's to seriously sexy brushes :D